In the round Angie Meadors and Mulberry tied Brittany Pozzi and Duke for first. Duke was firing on all cylinders for that run, much like we had anticipated he would at the beginning of the week. This world championship is Sherry Cervi's third win. She has won each on a different horse. Troubles, Hawk and now Stingray.
You can watch all the round winning runs HERE And for each of the events too.
Trevor Brazile won his second triple crown of championships yesterday. Having secured the all around earlier in the week, it came down to the last round in both the tie down and team roping events. Clay Tyran waved it off in the Team Roping to hand Trevor his first Team Roping World Championship. Brazile earned over $500,000 in 2010, $$211,509.40 of it at the NFR to win the Top Gun award which included a new Dodge Truck and goodies to fill it.

Two-time Triple Crown winner Trevor Brazile and his family work the red carpet at the PRCA 10th Night After-Party, Dec. 11 at the Mirage Hotel & Casino. Brazile’s wife, Shada, daughter, Stella Bell and son, Treston accompanied him to the party for 2010 ProRodeo world champions and their families.

The 2010 ProRodeo World Champions gathered together on a stage at The Mirage Hotel during The Official Wrangler NFR World Champion Awards Show and 10th Night After-Party, Dec. 11 in Las Vegas. From left to right: Cody Wright (saddle bronc riding), J.W. Harris (bull riding), Sherry Cervi (WPRA barrel racing), Trevor Brazile (all-around, tie-down roping and team roping), Patrick Smith (team roping, heeling), Dean Gorsuch (steer wrestling) and Bobby Mote (bareback riding). All the 2010 champions have previously won a gold buckle.
In Canadian News, Willy Cassidy received a standing ovation as Curtis Cassidy tipped his hat to the horse that has done so much for the Cassidy family. Willy will be retired now after this NFR. He went out with a bang helping Curtis win the round in 3.7 seconds. Willy is 24 years old and has help cowboys win 5 world championships and of course numerous Canadian championships.

In the Bareback, Dusty LaValley finished out of the money, but held 4th position in the average finishing 10th in the world with $135,467.39 in season earnings. Dustin Flundra wasn't able to mark a score in the 10th round. Finishing 16th with $58,353.20 won. Lindsay Sears spared Martha in the last round and ran Moe. He had a nice run, but out of the money. Cody Cassidy finished the year with $155,566.97 in earnings, Curtis with $166,775.34 only $20,000ish behind world champion Dean Gorsuch.
Complete results can be found at and if you are on Facebook there are some great interviews from Rodeo Videos. You'll want to search National Finals Rodeo 2009 (yes 2009), then either check the wall or click the >> tab at top till you see videos. They have all the winning interviews from each event, each night for. Try this link also has a facebook page - try this link, there are videos there too
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